Wednesday, September 10, 2008


What does Political Ninja Obama mean by 'compromise' and 'reach across party lines'. This Political Ninja hears 'you gonna make me come punch you in the face or you gonna come to me?' Sounds more like rhetoric than anything else - is there any proof or history of him doing it before?

And besides, do we really want our Political Ninjas to compromise with each other? If I vote for someone based on their judgement and principles, do I want them to capitulate and give in to the Evil Politcal Ninjas? Or do I want them to stand their ground and truly represent me? What a betrayal it is when elected officials 'compromise' their platforms/principles/values. For example Obama 'crossed party lines' for the new FISA bill! I mean come on! If you can't count on Democratic Ninjas to fight Republican Ninjas on on something like that what is the point of having political partys anyway? So he compromised and now we have a much more powerful president that doesn't even have the restraint of the constitution when it comes to warrentless searches! And what was the trade? What did Obama get for this? Well, I guess it makes sense that he thinks he'll probably be the next president. American's just lost more of their civil liberties, that's all - yay for our Political Ninjas and their compromises with each other!

And just so you can see this Ninja's fairmindedness and wisdom I shall criticize Old Ninja Man McCain - What a hoser! He's compromised on so much stuff he barely bears the crappy mantle of republican! Is this what we want in our politicians? He'll probably 'compromise' with the DemoNinjas to raise taxes in exchange for more presidental power.

One may ask the Ninja, 'but don't you want anything to get done in Washington'?
No! You get a kick in the face for that question! Everything those WashNinja's do hurt the rest of us Ninja's so the more gridlock they're in the better off we are! The Ninja's I want to vote in want to make the government smaller, so they shouldn't compromise because the other Political Ninjas will never 'compromise' that anyway.

So all in all - if you like a politician and then that politician starts talking compromise, just realize that you've been deemed despensible, they are done pandering to you and they are working on their next victim.

Ninjas Unite!


Derrick said...

Thomas Paine said governmemt is a necessary evil, but i'm afraid the american government is just a display of the heart of america. The majority of citizens who stick to their principles don't win elections (or at least multiple elections). Unfortunately, it's only a small minority of congress who can get re-elected by sticking to their principles (i.e. John McCain up until now. Obama doesn't get credited with having set principles because he just votes "present"). In theory, when politicians "flip flop" (i hate that term), their districts wouldn't share the same values with them anymore, and therefore they wouldn't vote them in the next term. But they still vote for them again. I'm afraid the problem with government isn't the quality of politicians who go to Washington, it's the quality of the public that elects them.

Natalie Gottwald said...

True that, as the old Ninja saying goes, 'the Katana blade cuts as the handle directs'.
These calls for 'compromise' always end with a bigger government; until the American people realize that it to the benefit of politicians to gain more power nothing will change.

Take the power back!

(but not the violent kind-a peaceful anarachy :-)

The Dahlins said...

Can't all ninjas just get along? Compromise gives the other side just enough to make things better for the rest of us. When compromise hurts the majority or simply results in no action it doesn't count for anything. Whether McCain or Obama can help the majority depends on if they can compromise to pass meaningful policies. The political base hates the word compromise. It is damaging to the rest of us when a demoninja can't vote in favor of a meaningful bill because it isn't liberal enough and the ninja knows elections are coming. Politicians need to realize that this oligopoly of political power has a lot in common, for one the betterment of its people, but without partisanship in government it will develop into tyranny of one group or another, with loss of civil liberties in the case of the Republican run Presidency and Senate. Through compromise benefits for the majority will come to pass only if both sides work together in a manner that encompasses the majority's interest.

Ninja Power
By Chris the Samurai

Natalie Gottwald said...

"but without partisanship in government it will develop into tyranny of one group or another, with loss of civil liberties in the case of the Republican run Presidency and Senate"

It was the demoninjas who 'compromised' with the republicans that passed the patriot act, the renewal of it, and the recent FISA legislation. Obama was against FISA, until he beat Hillary. So what did he get out of it for the American people? What did the White House give up for it? I'm pretty sure that's a big nothing on both counts.

The democratinjas should have been partisan and said a big freakin NO! to the violation of the constitution and civil liberties. This Ninja can see the point of some compromise but these Washininjas seem to only compromise in the direction of a more powerful government with the rights, liberties, properties of the people (who elected them there) lessened. it is never the otehr way around. They both want big government, even though they campaign on limited government and their platforms proclaim limited government-

lets face it, when the party's 'compromise' they are really just showing their true stripes.

i think we'd be better off if the deminjas held their ground on FISA, PATRIOT ACT, The banking deregulation which has led to the current economic woes.

A vote for a deminja is about the same as a vote for repinja :-(

check out Ron Paul on CNN with Ralph Nader - i'm no fan of Nader but the combined platform of the 3rd parties speaks to my soul :-)

There are reasonable, principled, good politicians, who haven't sold out and are actually good people :-D